Credit Cash continues to lend more than 3 times more than any other cash advance company and at rates that are 3 times less! This means that merchants can get three times as much money, and keep their repayment the same.
Credit Cash recently funded a $1.2 million loan to a chain of gyms in the southeast. What makes this noteworthy is the trend that we have been seeing. That trend is in the number three. The gym chain had been given the maximum advance from its processor, $400,000. It was paying a 1:35 for the use of this money. If you go to our rate analyzer, you can see that this translates into more than 100% implied interest rate. We at Credit Cash are happy report that we gave the gym chain $1.2 million, but at a rate that was actually less than one third of its existing rate. We were also able to extend the payment term from eight months to one year.
Because of the lower rate, and the extended term, his monthly payback is the same amount, even though he has $800,000 more! With the additional money, the client can open up three more locations, close one unprofitable location and get more current on payables.
Credit Cash is an affiliate of Entrepreneur Growth Capital whose roots go back to 1937 when the founder's Grandfather started a commercial finance company. It is with decades of experience that Credit Cash approaches each deal. We look at the entire company, not just credit card revenue in order to create a transaction. Each deal is customized because no two clients are alike.
“Our experience and service are the reasons why we have become the number one choice of larger merchants. In fact, a lot of our referrals come from other cash advance companies whose funding is either too limited or too expensive for their prospects needs” according to Dean Landis, the company's founder and CEO.